Friday, January 8, 2016

Memorial over Craig

Tonight took in the Madison Memorial verse Janesville Craig game. This was my first chance seeing a much improved Craig team this year. I knew Craig had a good point guard and some nice size, otherwise didn't know much. One disappointment was that Craig had five players not suited up. I have no idea if these players are big rotation players or not but, it just felt like I was missing something with those five guys not playing and maybe that affected Craig's playing being that they really only played six guys.

Off the bat it was all Memorial as they absolutely controlled the glass on the offensive end getting two or three shots every time down the court. Memorial jumped out to a 10 point lead but, a scoring drought  allowed Craig back into the game as they scored most of their first half points from the free throw line. I was surprised Craig really didn't attack the hoop, specifically their point guard 5'9 junior San'trell Payton. From what I had heard Payton was a pretty impressive player but, he really didn't look to shoot the ball a whole lot and never really attacked the rim. A bright spot for Craig was the first half play of 6'11 senior Riley Jensen who used his size to score in the paint and seemed to have things going until three first half fouls sent him to the bench. Outside of the rebounds it was the strong play of 6'0 junior Billy Wilson who carried Memorial, hitting a pair of threes and then getting a put back basket on an offensive rebound of course. Craig had a one point half time lead.

In the second half it was all Memorial junior 6'8 Chris Knight. Knight used his athleticism to score in the paint and grab second and third chance points. Knight also got things going in the transition game getting a pair of steals leading to dunks, one where he had a nice cross over and dunk finish. There was also one nice play where Knight had the big assist to a team mate. Despite Knight's best efforts Memorial just couldn't put Craig away. Late in the game Craig was fouling and Payton was finally looking to score, as he scored 10 of his 12 points in the final four or five minutes. Memorial made there free throws late to get the win.

Top Players
Chris Knight 6'8 junior Madison Memorial- Really played a great game on the defensive end blocking shots and getting steals. Knight got a ton of rebounds like always and did his thing on the inside putting the ball in the hoop.

Billy Wilson 6'0 junior Madison Memorial- Was the offensive early on scoring eight points in the first five minutes with those two threes and offensive rebound basket.

Matt Caropreso 6'6 junior Madison Memorial- Not a great game but, really rebounded well in the game teaming with Knight and fellow junior Jake Ferguson to dominate the glass.

Riley Jensen 6'11 senior Janesville Craig- Had some nice plays scoring in the paint on the offensive end but, foul trouble really hurt him.

Box Score
Memorial 52- Knight 22 Wilson 13 Caropreso 10 Ferguson 4 Logan Knecht 2 Jason Weah 1 Chase Danielson 0 Terrel Goodwan 0 Robert Bennett 0
Craig 45- Jake Negus 11 Payton 10 Jensen 10 Adam Anhold 5 Zach Gestrich 5 Nick Cramer 2 Cody Brault 0

I would really like to Craig use their size a little more and pound things inside being that they start a 6'9 and 6'11 player. Also I'd like to see them penetrate the paint a little more in particular Payton who has the quicknes to get to the hoop just needs to be a little more aggressive in my opinion. For Memorial I think things will really hinge on the play of Knight and if Ferguson and Caropreso can stay out of foul trouble. The last few games I've watched both Ferguson and Caropreso have had some foul trouble which really limits the Memorial rotation.

The first half of the Big Eight is nearly over and things still seem pretty muddled. Middleton seems to be the cream of the crop and La Follette and Parker are bottom dwellers but, everyone else is pretty mixed up and state team a year ago Madison East seems to be rounding into form.

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